Streamers and my 10′ 6″ for a 2 wt. Parabolic Taper cane two handerCane Rods are Bendy – 11′ 0″ for a 3/4 wt. Parabolic TaperDan LaForme searching for a player with his Winter Run 12007-3 two hander …My front row seat, watching Todd H. skate his bug on his new Fall Run 11656-3 thru some beautiful water …..Scott H. swinging The Redwood on The Upper Columbia river ……..October Caddis dry fly eat on the Winter Run 11907-3 Rick working his bug thru a juicy Run with his Fall Run 11656-3 …..Dan L. with his first fish on his new cane two hander …….Dan L throwing string on his new cane rod, on The upper Columbia river with Bruce Kruk ……. Rick Fielder throwing some serious string on his Fall Run 11′ 6″ for a 5/6 ……… Todd Hirano ……. giving his approval on his new Fall Run 11′ 6″ for a 5/6 wt.Getting out and doing a little ” Research & Development” on this Beautiful fall day …….llSteve S. heading out to the river with his new stick and some lovely “tied in hand” classic irons, to chase steelhead ……..Kz getting Bent …….Kz with another Deschutes River rainbow on his 4 wt. Cane Trout Spey …..Kz Hsue flexing his 4 wt. Cane two handers on some bows from The D ……..
Kz Hsue swinging down the run with his 2/3 Trout Spey, looking for some tugs …….
Bruce Kruk throwing some serious string with his Fall Run 12′ for an 8/9 wt.
Bruce Kruk and his Ducati tie, putting some time in with his Fall Run 12′ 8/9 wt. ……….. looking for those special Upper Columbia River rainbows he chases
Eric Conner fishing the storied and Beautiful waters of Michigan with his new 7 1/2′ 4/5 wt.
Johnny Lauer swinging down the run looking for unicorns ….. with a Winter Run Parabolic 11′ 9″ for a 7 wt. In hand
John Lauer fishing his Fall Run 12′ 6/7 on the Canyon Stretch of The Salmon River, where only a Jet Boat and an experienced Captain (and BTW – his name may or may not be Tim) can navigate the whitewater to get you to some true solitude and peace ………..
Eric Conner reminds us, that nothing is better than spending time on waters, especially when Cane rods, Clicker Reels and your beverage of choice is involved …….
A couple of Custom Cane Rods by David L. Reid and clicker reels getting ready to fish the Beautiful waters of Silver Creek, to chase the evening spinner fall…….
A couple of Anglers enjoying a Beautiiful day, demoing a few different Trout Spey models, on The Boise River …….
Picabo Angler Guide Christian Reid ……..doing what he does best. Catching Big fish in the Beautiful waters of Idaho on his Streamer Special Cane Rod by Custom Cane Rods by David L. Reid
Johnny Lauer ……… stepping into the waters of Silver Creek with cane rod in hand